About Us
Our Background
Centre for Girls & Interaction (CEGI) is a non-profit
making organization, primarily concerned with creating
access to information on girls and young women rights
or related issues through interaction, advocacy,
documentation, education, networking for positive

Our Mission
The mission of Centre for Girls and Interaction is to improve
the lives of adolescent, young women and youth in Malawi
through increasing access to quality health care, education,
information and a sustainable system of community
Our Target Population
CEGI particularly targets the vulnerable, marginalized and underserved rural and semi-urban Malawian communities with special focus on young women, girls, children and Youth at large. We target in and out of school young women and girls. We work with Secondary School, Colleges, Universities, community and hard to reach young people 10 to 30 yrs
Our Core Values
- Focus on the needy
- Promote people-centered development
- Tolerance; Acceptance and respect for different opnions, equity, equality, ethnicity, beliefs, sex, race, social/health status and physical appearance.
- Integrity; Delivering and acting according to expectations and requirements in a transparent, accountable, honest, just, fair and responsible manner.
- Solidarity; Standing together, championing for a common cause, where mutual trust and commitment are adhered.
- Hosted the first Sub-Regional Hub on SRHR on an advocacy strategy to advance SRHR in Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The workshop was sponsored by Sex Rights Africa Network (SRAN) and hosted by Centre for Girls and Interaction (CEGI) at Bridgeview Hotel in Lilongwe – Malawi.
- Train 35 youth advocate champions for Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) in 15 youth organizations
- Establishment of 14 girls clubs and 4 sex workers groups
- Organize the first meeting for the African Youth Safe Abortion Alliance (AYOSA) in close collaboration with Ipas African Alliance in Kenya
- Organize International Youth exchange program for youth in Greece, Italy, France and Malawi for European Volunteer Services
- Presented mHealth abstract for Online Youth Health Meet Up in San Francisco USA at Youth Tech Heath (YTH) Conference
- Conduction of Climate change primary school field trip and environmental protection and awareness in communities
Areas That Need Development
- Lack of funds for outreaches program in schools and communities areas
- Inadequate capacity training programmes for girls and young women educators (trainers at local level) to effectively implement various programmes.
- Lack of funding for planned programs and activities
- Inadequate administrative support
- Misconception of gender (meaning up liftment of both men and women)
- Lack of external support to support the underserved vulnerable and needy girls.
Our Partners & Donors
These are our partners and donors. Organizations that believe and haver supported our cause.